Luffy offers the person a position, and is usually turned down initially (which usually causes Luffy to comically "refuse this refusal"). The crew comes across someone who fulfills the criteria (i.e., Nami the navigator, Sanji the cook, Chopper the doctor, Franky the shipwright, etc.). First, a situation arises where someone new is needed.Though most adventures in One Piece are random, there seems to be a "process" for recruitment: Luffy's tendency to ask people who interest him to join often led him to attempt to recruit bizarre creatures into his crew at a whim (such as Chopper, Brook, Unigaro, MocDonald, and Ashimaro, the latter three never joined the crew eventually), which would annoy the rest of the crew, prompting them to snap at him to stop. Also, when a crew member finally joins, they are often run out of their home by loved ones. He also offered Gaimon and several Thriller Bark zombies the chance to join his crew, when they had no apparent usefulness to the crew aside from experience and their uniqueness respectively. He also did not know that Chopper was a doctor and wanted him to join for his seven transformation abilities. He allowed Usopp to join, and later on names him the team's sniper, and considered Vivi and Karoo members even though her only "profession" would be a princess. Luffy does not seem to mind if someone he wants to recruit has a profession or not. Due to Admiral Ryokugyu's invasion, however, Yamato decided to stay Wano Country to protect it from outside threats instead, through he still desires to join someday Following Kaidou's defeat, Yamato wanted to join the crew, but Jinbe suggested to wait for Luffy's confirmation of allowing Yamato to join the Straw Hat Pirates. Jinbe also wanted to join after being asked, but he stated he had had unfinished business to do (which was to leave his alliance with the Big Mom Pirates), but did state if they still want him to join after that's done, he will gladly join the Straw Hats.

However, after the Straw Hats and Brook finally defeated the zombies, Brook later asked if they would honor his initial acceptance and Luffy gladly welcomed him into the crew, though everyone else were shocked by Brook just asking like that. Also notable was Brook, who actually accepted Luffy's initial invitation to join the crew, but later claimed that he could not honor it due to his lack of a shadow, which would result in his death should he step into sunlight, as well as unfinished business with the zombies of Thriller Bark. The major exceptions to this rule are Usopp, who was thrilled to be asked to join and accepted immediately, and Nico Robin, who invited herself into the crew and had to convince the crew to let her stay.

He will sometimes act as if it is his decision and not theirs whether they join or not (though it is worth noting that when Luffy's decided someone is joining, they do eventually join). However, even if he is rejected, Luffy will treat the person as if they were already a crew member, much to their annoyance. While most people turn down Luffy's offer regardless of how hard he tries, only those convinced enough will join for reasons of their own. However, if the person interests Luffy very much, he will still try to get them to join anyway regardless of their initial decision. The only exception was Franky who was stated to be too stubborn to ever accept joining Luffy willingly (his swim briefs had to be stolen just to lead him back to the Straw Hat Pirates), but ends up joining willingly anyway after being moved by Iceburg's words. Luffy did not directly ask Usopp to join the Straw Hats, however when Luffy, Zoro and Nami were about to sail off, Luffy assumed that Usopp would join them as they had just fought off Kuro. When Luffy asked Brook during the Thriller Bark Arc, Brook said yes immediately. Luffy never forces people to join his crew against their will. Usually when he asks someone to join, Luffy is turned down completely though the way of which he is turned down varies.